The Columbia College Library is seeking volunteers to help resurrect the OHS, recruiting and training volunteers to identify subjects and conduct interviews. We antcipate this effort to begin in fall 2023. Please submit your areas of interest and contact information via this form:
Welcome to the Columbia College Library's Oral History Series. Many of the interviews in this collection were recorded between 1949 and 1992, primarily through the Introduction to Oral History course taught at the college by history professor Richard L. Dyer. Through the generous support of the Wise Family Charitable Trust and the Columbia College Foundation a digitization and transcription effort began in 2007 to preserve the collection and make it available to a wider audience. As California's Gold Country continues to make history, Professor Dyer's legacy and vision are honored by recording new interviews and adding them to this collection.
" Cowboy stories and Pinecrest pack trips " Chuck and Joanne Knowles Columbia, CA. October 13, 2013
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